Friday, August 29, 2008

Worlds Best Sales Tips #2

Over the next few weeks I will add a few Sales Tips from a really good book. "The World's Best Sales Tips by Ciaran McGuigan is a quick toolkit for improving your sales techniques.

Back to the Cold Call, our long term friend. Once you have worked out you are speaking to the righter person what are you going to do? Are you going to say "the reason I cam calling you is to let you know....touch base.....was wondering....was in the area"

The reason for your call has to be a reason for THEM not you. The only way to do that is to tell them how you have helped similar businesses, tell them how you have reduced pain from problems and how you have increased the gains in their business.

Please dont ever say: " So tell me, what keeps you awake at night?" The answer is probably along the lines of ways to stop people asking that question !

So lets look at pain. If you havent figured it out yet, there is a lot of work to doing effective Cold Calling. You have to research the business before you call. Look for announcements, press releases, reorganisations and any other information you can get. You will find out who the people are you need to talk with. You will figure out what is happening and you can figure out how your products and services can help that company reduce pain and increase gain.

A good tool is Google Alerts. Just pug in the company name or any other criteria you want to search on and an email will be delivered each day with all references. Use this over a period of time to build a picture of the Suspects you have in your Pipeline and come up with ways to convert them to Prospects.

You wont waste time on dumb cold calls. You will bring more value and knowledge to your customer and your products and services should be a better fit.


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