Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How to make a recession reality !

I just went down the shops to buy a book on Joomla. That is another story too geaky for here.

It was quiet, it was empty.

Maybe it is the post holidays time and kids are back at school. Maybe 4:00pm is a dead time anyway, I dont usually go shopping at that time.

Maybe..........people are not out spending money. But why would that be the case? They have tax cuts. There has been another interest rate cut yesterday. Maybe they are hanging onto cash and not spending because the big "R" may be just around the corner.

Not Recession, the other "R".....redundancy. This is really a conundrum.

The news is full of people being "R"etrenched. They are being retrenched because business is preparing itself for "R"ecession so it needs to conserve cash and that means some jobs are made "R"edundant.

If people dont spend in our economy, there will be more "R"edundancy. Dont get me wrong it is good for the Government to spend on infrastructure and other incentives in building as that has a flow on effect to the retail and services economy. But as less people travel to Australia and more of us stay home for holidays, the more people will grow to be "R"edundant.

Tonight I am repairing my pool chlorinator. Normally I would have replaced it. But making sure I conserve cash, I am getting a full life out of it before I am forced to replace.

I bet you are doing the same?


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1 comment:

Mutuelle sante said...

Thanks a lot it was a good guide, now to make a recession reality ! is without a doubt very easy with your guidance. Kudos