Usually, it is the amount of "software" that you have on the computer. When it is new, unless it has been stuffed with Try Me applications at birth, the PC will start quickly. But as time goes on, we all install applications to do various things. These applications all want to load in a way that makes them easily accessible from the System Tray or be quick startup. As we add application after application we increase the startup time of the PC.
That is the simple answer. Yes, the more technical users will talk about Registry issues and other esoteric discussions. But the bottom line is: "If you buy a PC with MS Windows on it, with Office and install no other software on it......ever, it will startup pretty fast all the time."
But we are all human. We buy a phone these days and it has a CD that has software to connect the phone up. Then we get another phone and we dont delete the software from the previous phone. We add printers so we have to install some more software. We want to burn CD backups of our "music collection" so we install some more software. An email comes with an attractive application that offers a Try Me for free, so we install that to see how it get my point?
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