Are you currently looking to begin or grow the exporting side of your business? You may be eligible for funding under the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme.
Run by Austrade, the EMDG scheme:
- encourages small and medium sized Australian businesses to develop export markets
- reimburses up to 50 per cent of expenses incurred on eligible export promotion activities
- provides up to eight grants to each eligible applicant.
To access the scheme for the first time, businesses need to have spent $10 000 over two years on eligible export marketing expenses. Applications for the 2008-09 grant year are open between 1 July 2009 and 30 November 2009.
To check your eligibility, visit Austrade's website. For more information contact Austrade on 13 28 78 and ask for your local office, or email, indicating which state you are from.